Monday 6 January 2014

Una Furtiva Lagrima

Yes, it's time for some opera, for a change – and here we have an early outing for the then-new (in 2010) Tonio male operatic Vocaloid, doing what most commenters (including native Italians) have judged a really good job, if one goes through the 176 comments at the video's YouTube page, as I have. Strictly speaking, this was his first demo, but now is just part of his repertoire.

Tonio is effectively the male counterpart to Prima, so the quality of the voice, if used properly, is not really a surprise – though it requires good tuning to achieve the best possible results. The ever-dependable Guiseppe knows his stuff, and has done what was needed to hone this to a very high standard.

The visuals comprise the by now familiar Vocaloid editor display in playback mode, which is fascinating to watch if not exactly the most adventurous concept for a video...

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