Thursday 2 January 2014

Raven – Series 3 Way of the Warrior

While you're probably still reeling from the sheer of that last post, here's another superb clip, this time from the third series, where Worjo very carefully and with great intelligence (though also with a few wobbles!) takes on the Way of the Warrior eliminator – and isn't eliminated!

As always, the staging, effects, music, Raven himself, and even the characteristic map at the start, all add to the atmosphere of this wonderful series. Once more, viewers found themselves on the edges of their seats, eyes wide, willing Worjo on to success.

It was a pity that – as his Standard shows – he had only one life left (Jaddo, on the left in the early part of the clip, had four lives, and Brena had three at this stage), and didn't ultimately triumph at week's end. He'd have made a good champion.

For me, this is probably the best of the (very few indeed) successful negotiations of this very challenging obstacle course, and makes a good study piece for how to deal with such challenges...

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