Saturday 16 February 2013

Live Performances At Home

With the coming, and some maturation, of the vocaloid character technologies, it has become possible to have life-size performances of the likes of Miku in one's own home.

It isn't hugely expensive, though the really good (e.g. DILAD) rear-projection screens aren't exactly cheap especially at that size (Mosquito screens are considerably cheaper, by the way, but not as good). The fanbase is now so strong that there are a reasonable number of enthusiasts in various parts of the world who have set up their own systems, including one in his castle(!)

Here is one example (not the castle one, which had a small audience present when that was video-recorded) just a demonstration of what one can now do, but was never really feasible or so user-controllable in the past.

As Will Smith's character said in the movie Independence Day when he first flew the captured alien fighter craft: "I have gotta get me one of these!"

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