Monday, 16 July 2012

Dressing for Dinner

It is becoming very difficult to find decent salad dressings for my dinner these days: most of what is available in the shops is rather yucky, I find.

The really good stuff, such as Cardini's Caesar and Ranch dressings and the late Paul Newman's range, have vanished from the shops during recent years, not even appearing for the summer season let alone all year round.

At least as far as oil-based dressings are concerned, there is Maille's vinaigrette with "a touch of black olives" (as it says on the label), and this I have found to be very good with none of the sickliness of the others on the market – whether a supermarket's own brand, Kraft, Hellman's or any other I have found for sale.

I still miss the Newman's and Cardini dressings, especially the latter as the two I mentioned are creamy dressings which have their particular uses and for which I have no current alternative, but at least I now have something usable.

An excellent creamy dressing that one cannot buy separately is the chive-and-herb dressing that comes with Sainsbury's "classic" tray salad, in a sachet. Now, if only that were available in a bottle...


  1. John, why not make your own? As it said on Newman's bottles, it's really very easy. I recommend one of these bottles that has recipes on the side.
    My version is usually several chopped cloves of garlic, white wine vinegar, extra virgin olive oil (or avacado oil tastes extra good), a spoonful of Dijon mustard (or mustard powder), and salt and pepper to taste. It really does last for ages, and is much better than shop bought.

  2. That's a brilliant idea! Thanks for the suggestion: it isn't something I've ever tackled before, and hadn't thought of doing so.

    Anyway, I'm up for it, though it might be a day or two before I give the actual making a go (probably this coming weekend) and shall be buying the necessary ingredients in the meantime.


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