Monday 15 October 2012

Savile Row

Not the London road famous for gentlemen's fine tailoring, but the row that seems likely to erupt any time now over the Jimmy Savile allegations.

As more and more allegations (perhaps even revelations) come into the public arena, there seems to be enough to them to indicate that a lot of BBC staff were well aware of what was going on and apparently did nothing.

Although I am not going into any further detail right now, I feel it is useful to put down a marker here and now that the whole area of this type of activity and its covering-up by others is known by some to be commonplace within that side of our society that is, or aids, the political Left – from the BBC to Common Purpose, and the countries where one finds 'grooming' and trafficking of minors in particular is not only prevalent but apparently officially sanctioned, or at least not actively opposed.

Like the cover-ups and similar that are now coming to light over the Savile, Glitter and no doubt other cases, there is as yet not all that much in the public domain, and certainly very little exposure within the big media. My suspicion is that this might be about to change, so having this short post here right now will become more useful when we know how much if anything of that evidence is brought to wider public notice in the weeks and months to come...

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