Saturday 7 September 2013

Charamin Studio

It had to happen, sooner or later. Instead of having to create a dance motion for one's characters, let the software do it automatically. That's the idea behind AH-Software's Charamin Studio, which was announced a couple of days ago, and is to be available from the 26th of this month, presumably just in Japan, at least at first. That seems to be the pattern.

I have waited until now to post about Charamin Studio, so that a few (short) demo videos could appear, and the company has conveniently grouped these together on a web page. These feature the three Vocaloids whose characters and voices come with the package: Yukari Yuzuki, GUMI and one with which I am unfamiliar, but who looks (and, I think, somewhat sounds) like an older version of little Yuki Kaai.

The program is best observed in action, rather than just taking my word for it. Inevitably, the character motion is a little robotic in nature, just as in other programs when one doesn't have Motion Capture (MoCap) data. Obviously that cannot be included when one doesn't know what the dance is going to be, so this will always be an issue to some extent, though motion is becoming better and more natural as the technology progresses.

There also appears to be at least one bug that sometimes keeps the character in motion for several seconds after the music has ended; but I'm sure this and any other anomalies will be ironed out in later versions. It's very early days as yet, so I'm quite happy to give it a chance.

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